Thanks to CHESS the streets are no longer my home

Opening doors for the homeless in Essex

Turning Point Project

Our Turning Point project will provide 24 new self-contained units of accommodation in Essex, offering a significantly improved living style for homeless adults, with support and life skills staff on site.

Offering the shelter and support they need to survive today, with the hope and opportunity of a better life.

Our Mission

CHESS works to ensure that people who find themselves homeless are supported in ways that enable them to move forward purposefully and in good health.

CHESS stands for Churches Homeless Emergency Support Scheme.

Aims & Values

To provide a good standard accommodation for the homeless. Supporting improvement in the health and well-being of service users without discrimination or judgement. Giving practical support in achieving independence. Raising awareness of homelessness and to become a catalyst for change and partnership recognising the resources of others.

We care for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness, respecting their need for safety and dignity. We promote a sense of security, self-worth and acceptance of the diversity of the individuals we serve. We encourage the growth and development of our staff and service users through partnerships and training opportunities with others. We are committed to equality of opportunity for all.

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Caring During the COVID19

Vulnerable neighbors are still in need of critical care. Our Red Doors continue to stay open every day and you can help.