Monthly Donations

The CHESS service is only possible thanks to our amazing supporters and generous donors. If you would like to make a donation to CHESS you can either do this via the website through Kindlink or alternatively please contact the Fundraising Team to discuss other ways of donating Regular Donation – Regular donations are a great way to support CHESS and can help us in the following ways:
  • £5 a month provides hot meals and drinks to our service users
  • £10 a month funds Welfare and Counselling to help individuals move on positively
  • £20 a month helps provide a bed for one night at our shelter
How it works When you make a purchase with one of the participating retailers, the retailer provides a donation for you to give to your chosen good cause. You can then choose which good cause to give it to. Sign up now at Easyfundraising and start shopping! Every penny raised will go towards our work with homeless adults in Chelmsford & Essex and costs you nothing – apart from the cost of your shopping!